Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lazy Saturday

This is what our day has consisted of....

I've done a whole lot of this...

Eaten a whole lot of these....

Yeah. They look gross. But, they're not! I went with my mom to Sprouts yesterday and spotted these babies! I haven't had these since I was like 6? Ok, I really don't remember how old I was, but all I know is they remind me of my childhood and how they'd always be with my stocking stuffers! It's a good memory.

Brian was disgusted when he saw the box. Ohhh Maybe because they said something like "Natural" or "Raspberry licorice."Oh well. more for me!

Brians done a whole lot of this...

Dear Zelda,

Please give me my husband back!!
I had to beg him to eat lunch with me!


Sincerely, Liesl

P.S. He's totally cheating. (notice his iPad)

His words: "you're gonna let the whole world know that I cheat!?"


I love you?

(at least it makes him happy)

Koston on the other hand is still working on his modeling. As of late he's mastered some poses. Wanna take a look? I'll ask him if it's ok if I show these....

He said it's ok.


Photo #1

Photo #2

Ok. I told him to smile, but he insisted that this one be natural. He was going for the more natural- I'm too cool to smile, look.

Photo #3

Preppy. or golfer?

Photo #4

Photo #5

I'm not sure if the sticking out of the tongue will be appreciated.

Photo #6

Again with the tongue!?

So you always think your kid is the cutest... whether they are or not.

And it's TRUE!

Happy Saturday!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Catch up!

Brian graduated from ASU! Woohooo! I'm so proud of him. I don't know how he was able to study and get his homework done while taking care of Koston during the day, and having both of us home at night! Haha. But he never ceases to amaze me. Congrats sweetie! Koston and I are proud of you!

Koston is so chubby. It makes me laugh.

I could barely keep my eyes open because of the sun! Hence, the squinty eyes!

The next day i threw Brian a surprise grad. party.... well, it was kind of a surprise. Haha.

There was lots of candy! (Which was a bad idea because who's left to eat the rest of it!? So far Brian & I have. Not good!)

Oreo truffle pops! A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

And Cupcakes! I made the cupcake toppers. I think they turned out pretty cute... but that's just me :)

The party was a success! Thanks to those who came and for Danie and Britney for helping out :)

* On Tuesday my Mom, Gary, Koston and I flew up to Colorado to watch my niece graduate! I can't believe she graduated high school! Where does the time go! I'm so happy for her though and to start this next chapter in her life at BYU- Idaho! Congrats Cheyenne :)

On the flight there, Koston discovered a new body part. It was so funny to watch! He did this the whole trip! (See below)

* Brian accepted the offer to University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho. We'll be moving in the beginning of August! It's kind of a bitter sweet situation. I'm really excited that we finally know where we're moving and finally have some direction! I'm also excited for our little family to be on our own... but I'm nervous too because everyone and everything we know is here. I know i'll miss family and friends so much! It will just be really different. But, i guess change is good and I'm excited for the future! SO, if anyone is ever in Idaho... feel free to stop by and say hey :) haha.

* This little man is still doing wonderful. As you can tell, he's still a little fatty :) I wouldn't have it any other way! He rolls all over the place and can pretty much sit up on his own. He gets a little wobbly sometimes though so I still have to stay near to catch him. He has two bottom teeth so he's chomping and drooling on everything! He'll be 7 months in 4 days! Where did my little baby go?!

He's thinking about taking up modeling. What do you think??
