Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I'm so over this.

This is what I've felt like the past week and a half...

9 months pregnant + major head & chest congestion = the worst combination ever.

And there's really not much you can take when you're pregnant. Please help! Haha. I want to be normal again and not feel like my head is trapped in a bubble anymore. It really throws things off when all you can hear is yourself... and nothing else!

Oh my poor husband... I love you Brian! Thank you for being the best, most supportive hubby ever... and still loving me even when I complain or cough all over you :)

I know this is a pointless post. I'm just so over this sick stuff and I want my baby here! :)


Adria said...

the last few weeks are terrible, and to be sick ontop of that! yikes!! sorry! hope your little man arrives soon and gives you some relief:)

Austin and Karrie said...

You're so close!! Congrats, he's is going to be such a cutie!! Can't wait to see pics!

MichelleY said...

Hope you get feeling better really soon! It's no fun to be sick and have a brand new baby to take care of....but he better hurry and get here. I don't think we can wait any longer :)