Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I was so proud of myself that i had to post! I made pizza tonight and it actually turned out descent! I've really been in a cooking mood lately. Every day i find myself thinking of what I'm going to make for dinner or what kind of sweets I wanna whip up! :) Brian doesn't complain though cause he likes it when there's actually something else to eat besides CEREAL! He's hoping this cooking fetish won't get old soon :).... Here's some pics! Haha. I made 2 pizzas actually but this is the better looking of the two!

Gotta give a shout out to Brian. He supplied the juice. No one can stir up juice better than you can.


Taylor and Amanda Lines said...

that pizza looks delicious!!! um... when are you having us over for dinner!!!

Amy said...

Good job!! looks great!

Alli said...

Ok I have a confession to make . . . I totally have been blog stalking you!! I just never left a comment cause I didn't know if you would think I was weird. I know I'm stupid. Thanks for your comment you are so sweet. You and Brian are such a cute couple! And some day you will make beautiful babies!! I wish I had the cooking bug. I never make anything. Maybe someday I will get it. It has been over a year since I have been married and it still hasn't bitten me. Oh well I can hope