Sunday, May 3, 2009

Not so interesting post.

Well, I honestly don't have much to post about... I guess we don't lead very exciting lives! Here's just a quick run down of what we've been up to....

* Brian has started preparing for taking the LSATs for law school which are in June, so he's been putting  a lot of time into that. He recently signed up for a 5 week prep  course to help him get ready to take the test. So far he's only been to 2 classes and He's finding that it's a little harder than what he expected. He actually said it's pretty " humbling" because he said he's realized he's not as smart as he thought he was :) haha. We're both really glad for this opportunity cause he's already learned a lot a lot and we know he will really benefit from taking this class. He's such a hard worker and I really admire it.

This is part of his studying method. It's so bad... i know.

* I'm about 15 weeks along now and still feeling pretty good :) Brian says I'm a baby makin' machine cause the pregnancy so far has been pretty simple. We won't find out the gender for probably another month or so. We are anxiously waiting! I wish i could find out sooner, but oh well. I'm over it :) We'll find out soon enough!

* And here is when i come to a blank.

There's not much left to say other than we're both staying busy and lovin' life at the same time :) I think i better stop writing now cause I'm really just boring my self, so i can only imagine how bored someone else reading this would be! Take care!


B & Shanni Boyd said...

Hey girl! So fun to hear you two are doing good! Did you get sick a lot the first few months? I want to see you, Danie, Tiff, and the rest of you girls sometime soon! Are you still working at the hospital?

britney said...

Good luck Brian. Hopefully you will do good on your LSAT's. I'm proud of all your hard work. It will really take you far in life.