I had another appointment Tuesday and everything was looking good. We got to hear the heart beat which was so awesome. It actually took her awhile to find it because the baby kept moving around so much :) My doctor said we already have a trouble maker on our hands because the baby wouldn't stay in one spot! Brian and I got a kick out of it... we didn't realize they moved around that much! Well anyway, we set a date for my next ultra sound to find out the sex. I'll be going in on the
28th which is exactly 2 weeks from today! I'm
SO excited, i can't wait!!! The vote is about 50/50 on peoples prediction of what it's going to be. I've been feeling rather boyish lately... but who knows! Haha, cause i sure don't!
What do you think it's going to be???
They move around a ton, just wait til you can feel it, its the greatest, until it keeps you up at night! I'm thinkin a boy!
im thinking its a girl! :-D
B-O-Y - Just becuz Im sure Scott will DEFINITELY think he is cursed at that point. And I pretty much can garantee that for him with his luck. :)
girl all the way.....
i think a girl!
I say boy I think... Good luck today!!
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